GNSF Mini-Grants support excellence in teaching and the learning process.  Innovative, collaborative and research based projects are encouraged.  Applications are accepted from any individual who is employed by the Grinnell-Newburg School District.  The GNSF Mini-Grant Committee will prioritize grants based on the GNSF Scoring Rubric. Recommendations for funding will then be brought to the GNSF Board for a vote.  Mini-Grant recipients must submit a written evaluation of their grant to GNSF within a month of their project completion.

Summer Grant Round: Grants Due in June & Grants Announced by August 15th

Fall Grant Round: Grants Due in October & Grants Announced by December 15th

GNSF Mini-Grant Guidelines

1. Grant applications need to be approved and signed by a building or district administrator.

2. Grants that include a technology request must be reviewed and signed by the District Technology Director before submission to your principal.

3. Grant proposals should have student learning and success as their central goal and all proposals must align with the district Comprehensive School Improvement Plan and Building Goals.

4. Proposals that are innovative and collaborative and have the potential for improving student learning and success as well as aligning with the district curriculum are strongly encouraged.

5. Mini-grants can be awarded up to $1,000 per applicant and up to a maximum of $5,000 for collaborative proposals.  Higher dollar amounts will be considered based upon the number of schools/students impacted.

6. GNSF will consider augmenting funding provided by the District for conferences during the research year of the curriculum cycle or for bringing in a presenter.  It will also consider professional development costs including the following: cost of Substitutes, registration, presenters, travel expenses and/or materials which follow state guidelines.

7. Mini-grants will be considered for materials, equipment, speaker fees, presentations, software and or technology which is not provided by the district.  (If funding allows, applications for basic curricular needs will be considered.)

See the Application Forms links above to download the forms needed to apply for a GNSF Mini-Grant.

End of Grant Evaluation

1. Grantees are required to evaluate their grant within one of month of the project completion.  (They should clarify how they will evaluate their grant in their application.)  Photographs are encouraged with evaluations.

2. Because GNSF hopes these grants will spark innovation and because innovation is not always immediately successful, we realize that not all projects will show immediate results.

3. GNSF will report to the school district and the public about the impact of the grants after each funding cycle.  These reports may use text and/or photos from the grantees.

Questions: contact Amy Blanchard at (641) 236- 5518 or [email protected]